Any fashionista worth their salt knows how difficult it is to get your dream Hermes handbag. When even the world’s most coveted celebrities may have to wait years on the Hermes waiting list, sourcing your own can be a difficult task. Whether it is a classic Birkin, a stylish Kelly or an elegant Constance, their prestige is only matched by their exclusivity. But did you know that there is an even rarer type of Hermes bag? Completely bespoke handbags that are never likely to be made again? On special occasions, Hermes make custom made ‘special order’ bags that are entirely tailored to the personal taste of a privileged client. They are identifiable by their Horseshoe stamp next to the Hermes engraving.
Around once or twice a year, Hermes allows a select number of clientele to create their own bespoke Hermes handbag. These ‘Horseshoe’ bags are curated by the expert artisans at Hermes workshops using the custom specifications and specific instructions giving by clients. With an array of exciting possibilities (can you imagine how you would feel if you had free reign to create your own Hermes?) these special order bags often feature totally new and unique combinations of exotic skins, leather and distinct hardware, making them some of Hermes’ most sensational pieces ever produced. Many Horseshoe bags feature an extravagant bi or tri-colour combinations not found on any other Hermes product past, present, or even future. The element of personal style and customisation is what makes these bags so coveted, and the opportunity to acquire your own is so different and exciting! The only consistent feature of every special order bag is their signature horseshoe stamp that distinguishes that the bag as extravagantly personalised and has been made to custom specifications. The unique nature also ensures that imitations of the bag are unlikely to ever surface, ensuring that their value will only ever increase in time. And here at Bags of Luxury, we have one of our own available for you to purchase. This incredible Hermes Kelly Horseshoe Etain is not only a fantastic purchase but also a great investment. It comes in a unique bi-colour of sophisticated grey combined with Hermes’ signature orange colour, that adds a hint of exuberance to this chic handbag. This exclusive colour conveys refinement and vivacious energy, making it suitable for all or just special occasions. In addition, the bag’s shade is perfectly matched with brushed palladium that connotes a refined opulence, in keeping with the rest of the design. This special order bag has been curated with soft Togo leather which has a lovely pronounced grain and is highly resilient, meaning that it is extremely receptive to Hermes’ exclusive bag spa treatments. Generally speaking, special order Hermes Kelly bags are rarer than their Birkin counterparts, so we recommend enquiring about this bag by filling out this simple enquiry form soon!
You are watching: Sealed With A Stamp: The Hermes Horseshoe
Read more : How Much a Book of Stamps Cost?
If you’ve not quite found the one for you, we recommend contacting our personal shopper service to source your dream bag and sign up to our stock list to keep informed with all our latest Hermes bags and accessories.
Categories: Stamps