How to Mail Your Cards in to PSA3 min read
Even a quick look into the trading card hobby reveals the popularity of cards that have been graded by PSA. There are many reasons to submit your cards for grading: protecting the cards; maximizing their value; and sharing your own hobby experience with other collectors on the PSA Set Registry to name just a few. But exactly how does one go about submitting cards to PSA?
Fortunately, the process for getting cards graded is quite straightforward. This step-by-step guide will have you submitting cards in no time! NOTE: For purposes of this entry, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are bypassing the “show submissions” process since industry shows have been put on hold for now and only concentrating on online submissions sent directly to PSA.
You are watching: How to Mail Your Cards in to PSA3 min read
Please visit Here you can create a new account or log in if you already have an established account. Follow the simple instructions on the site to walk yourself through the proper submission form protocol and how to utilize our various services.
Once you have input the necessary information, print out three copies of your completed submission form. Two copies must be included in the package with your items, while the third is for your personal records.
Read more : I Love You Cards
Properly packing your collectibles is critical to ensure that they arrive safely to PSA. Begin by placing each item into a flexible pouch such as those made by Card Saver. Proper packing materials and other useful items can be purchased at the PSA online store. Please do not send items stored in any sort of hard acrylic snap cases or screwdown holders. These types of items cause significant delays in processing and will not be returned to you.
When packaging your items for shipping, be sure to place the items in the same order as they are listed on your submission form(s). Items not received in proper order will be shipped back unprocessed at the owner’s expense. Also, please do not label individual cards by placing stickers or writing on the outside of the Card Savers.
Place all of your items (in the matched-up order) between two slightly larger pieces of cardboard and secure with rubber bands. Ensure that the rubber bands are snug enough to hold items in place, but not too tight. Items can get damaged if they are packed too tightly.
Protect your items by putting them inside bubble wrap or similar packing materials. Place the items in a sturdy cardboard box. Ensure that they are packed in a way that eliminates movement within the box and so all items stay together. Make sure to include the two copies of your Online Submission Center confirmation page(s). Use packing tape to completely seal the outside of the box.
Cut and adhere your Submission ID packing label to the outside of your package. Make sure the barcode is completely visible and is not obstructed with packaging tape. This will allow us to notify you when the package has arrived at PSA.
If you have multiple submissions in one box, please make sure you go back to your Online Submission Center Dashboard to generate a Multi-Submission ID packing Label.
This completes the process! Wasn’t that simple? You can confirm that PSA has received your submission(s) using the Package Tracker feature found in the footer of Once your package is received into the PSA system, you can monitor the status of your submission(s) at
Categories: Cards & Envelopes
This post was last modified on 03/10/2023 4:42 pm
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