17 Of The Best Cash Envelope Wallets
If you are considering using the cash envelope system to budget your money effectively, then finding the right cash envelope wallet is a critical part of your success. Without a handy wallet to easily divide and carry your funds, sticking to your cash envelope budgeting plans will be easier.
Today we will take a closer look at some of the best cash envelope wallets that will make your life easier while staying in style.
The cash envelope system essentially puts you on a cash budget. You can determine exactly how much you’ll spend in each cash envelope category based on your goals.
For example, you might decide that you are able to spend $375 on groceries and $150 on gas this month. Once you’ve determined how much you can spend in each category, you’d then place the cash into envelopes. You can spend the cash out of these envelopes until you’ve reached your limit for the month.
Note: Your fixed expenses like homeowners insurance and your mortgage shouldn’t be included in your cash envelope system. Instead, you can pay these expenses directly from your bank as you typically would.
The cash envelope system is designed to help you stay on top of your discretionary spending choices. With a cash budget, you may find that you are able to stick to the tangible budget more easily without the temptation of overspending with plastic.
You could also challenge yourself with a cash envelope challenge to save money over a specific period of time!
The main benefit of using a cash envelope wallet is that you can potentially reduce your opportunities to overspend. When you whip out your cash wallet to pay for a purchase, you’ll be able to see the direct impact of your purchase on the monthly budget.
With a more tangible approach to discretionary spending, you’ll more easily see the consequences of your spending actions.
With this hands-on approach, you can bring more focus to your budgeting strategy. However, keeping all of your spending cash for the month in a series of envelopes can be confusing. A collection of envelopes can be difficult to track without the help of the cash wallet.
Luckily, there are many cash envelope wallets designed specifically to help you keep track of your budget’s envelopes.
Let’s take a closer look at the best cash envelope wallets available. As you pursue the list, look for a wallet that suits your needs – and your style! Note: This section contains some affiliate links from brands we trust that help us grow Clever Girl Finance!
With the removable magnetic envelopes, you have the freedom to add or remove cash categories from your wallet easily. But the removable magnetic cash envelopes add another layer to keep track of. As a $50 purchase, you should consider whether or not you would enjoy the removable cash envelopes before moving forward.
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The envelopes come in tabbed see-through plastic while the wallet is a functional black. it also has customizable stickers for the envelopes.
The envelopes are very sturdy and come with a cute pouch to keep them together. The pouch is a classic black color, but it lacks standard wallet features such as storage space for cards. At under $20, this cash budgeting system could suit your needs with convenient portability.
Beyond the envelopes, you’ll find a memo pad, receipt storage, debit card slots, and your change. As one of the more affordable options at $24, this could be the right solution for your budgeting system.
Inside the wallet, you’ll find 5 separate slips with raised divider tabs to store your cash separately. Additionally, you’ll find several card slots to keep important cards safe. At $32, this wallet offers good value. But you will only have five slots to hold different cash budgeting categories.
Plus, you’ll have plenty of space to store cards and coins. The $25 wallet comes with RFID technology to protect your identity while you stick to a cash budget system.
The $30 wallet also offers 6 card slots and RFID technology to protect your information. You can bring the wallet with you as a purse or toss it into a larger bag when you need more space.
At $20, this wallet is perfect if you have a small number of cash budget categories to consider.
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The envelopes included in this system are laminated to ensure that you’ll get a lot of use out of them before replacements are needed. At just over $20, the wallet is a very affordable way to give the cash budgeting system a try.
The notebook also contains two cardholder slots and a pen holder. Although this may not be the most stylish option, it could fit the bill while keeping your system extremely well organized.
Inside the wallet, you’ll find two large pouches that could easily fit cash envelopes. Although you will not find divider tabs to keep things organized, it could be a good fit if you have a small number of cash budget categories. At just over $25, this wallet could fit into your budget easily.
Plus, a pen to track your budget on convenient budget sheets. The wallet comes in 6 color options with an attractive touch on the clasp of the clutch.
The cash envelope system can be a great way to help you get your budget on track. With a focused budgeting effort, you can make amazing progress towards your financial goals such as paying off debt or saving for retirement.
As you set up your cash envelope wallet, make sure to consider the strategies that will create a budget that works for you. Everyone’s budget will fit their unique goals and should reflect your values.
As you work with the cash budget system, don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way. It is okay, and expected, to make adjustments to your budget as your discovery what works best for you.
Take a few minutes to learn more about building a budget that works for you in our free budgeting course!
Source: https://antiquewolrd.com
Categories: Cards & Envelopes
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