Here are more than 20 wording ideas for requesting books in lieu of cards for a baby shower or baby sprinkle. There are lots of fun options in rhyme, listed below with some variations, as well as some simple non-rhyming requests.
Many of these also work as a clever way to request any books you’ve added to your baby registry.
You are watching: All the cutest, sweetest, cheesiest wordings to ask for books, not cards, for baby showers
Use them directly on your invitation or print several copies on standard paper and trim to fit in the envelope. If you would rather purchase premade cards to enclose with your invitations, there are a number of book request cards for sale on Etsy and Amazon. Use a search like “baby shower book request cards” to find more.
I wonder, who was the clever soul that thought, “There must be a better way to spend $3.99 than on a card that will be thrown away. … Oh, BOOKS!” At any rate, I think we can agree that the greeting card industry’s time has come. Let’s ask for books and engender a love of reading in our little ones from their earliest beginnings!
Wordings in rhyme to request books, not cards
Here are all the popular rhymes, organized with variations below. Feel free to mix and match stanzas or personalize with baby’s name to make one your own.
One small request…
One small request that won’t be too hard:Please bring a book instead of a card.Whether Cat in the Hat or Winnie-the-Pooh,Sign in the cover with a note from you.(Baby’s name) will become smart indeed.If we begin early, (s)he’ll soon love to read!
Just one last request, and we hope it’s not hard: Please bring a book in place of a card. By signing your book, we will remember and share your special gift, even when you’re not there.
One small request that won’t be too hard:Please bring a book instead of a card.Well-loved or brand new, either will do!But please don’t feel obligated;We’ll leave it up to you.
A small request, and we hope it’s not hard: Please bring a book instead of a card. It doesn’t matter if it’s well-loved or brand new, Either way, the book will remind baby of you. Write a sweet message on the inside cover, And your words can be cherished forever and ever.
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One small request that won’t be too hard: Please bring a book instead of a card. Whether Cat in the Hat or Winnie-the-Pooh, You can sign the book with a note from you. Your book will be cherished, well-loved or brand new; But please don’t feel obligated, we’ll leave it up to you.
Instead of a card, we have a request:We hope you’ll bring a book you like best.Whether pre-loved or brand new,Please write a line or two,So when we read, we’ll think of you.
From Peter Rabbit to Mother Goose …
From Peter Rabbit to Mother Goose,Thomas the Train and Dr. Seuss,Curious George and Winnie-the-Pooh,Eloise and Babar, too …In lieu of a card, we ask that you bringyour favorite childhood classic.Let’s build (baby’s name) a library —that will be fantastic!
From Peter Rabbit to Mother Goose,Madeline and Dr. Seuss,Curious George and Winnie-the-Pooh,And all The Berenstain Bears, too …In lieu of a card, please bring a classic.Let’s build a library for (baby’s name) —that will be fantastic!
A card is nice …
A card is something very nice,But maybe read only once or twice.Instead consider sharing a book that you see,And Mommy and Daddy will read it to me.Please sign your name and add a note, too,So I know this storybook’s from you.I’m tiny now, just a sweet little tot,But someday I’ll thank you with all of my heart.
Although cards are nice,with their sentiment and prayer,they’re read once or twice,then tucked away with care.A book is a treasurewith stories that unite,to be read over and overnight after night.So instead of a cardto baby and mother,please give a bookwith your thoughts in the cover.Your book will be cherished,God will watch from above.When we read, we’ll remember,your kindness and love.
Although cards are nice,they’re read once or twice.A book is a treasure,forever and ever.So instead of a card,to be put aside,please give a bookwith your name inside.It will be readbefore bed each night,and they will thank youas they turn out the light.
Skip the card …
Skip the card for a book instead. We want baby to be well-read!
I want to be a bright child …
I want to be a bright childas smart as I can be.That is why I’m hopingmy mom will read to me.If you plan to bring a card,please take another look.I would like to learn my ABCsfrom your favorite storybook.Please sign your nameas your personal touch.Baby thanks youoh so much!
To fill baby’s library …
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To fill baby’s library shouldn’t be hard, If you bring a book instead of a card. It doesn’t matter which story you choose; Just be sure to include a note from you!
Instead of a card …
Instead of a card,we have a small request:Please bring a book —(Baby’s name) will enjoy that the best!We can read your inscriptioneach night before bed,And enjoy your sentimentthrough all the years ahead.
Non-rhyming requests for books
Or, if you prefer baby shower invitation wording without rhyme, here are a few suggestions:
Help build baby’s library by writing your well-wishes in a favorite children’s book instead of a greeting card.
Let’s stock baby’s library! Instead of bringing a greeting card, please write your inscription and wishes in your favorite children’s book.
Please skip the card, and instead help us fill baby’s shelves with all the “friends” (s)he needs.“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” —Ernest Hemingway
Please skip the card, and instead help us fill baby’s shelves with all the “friends” (s)he needs.“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” —Charles William Eliot
Please consider signing the cover of your favorite children’s book instead of a card. We will think of you lovingly each time we share the story you chose.
Instead of a greeting card, please write your thoughts in the cover of a favorite children’s book. Whether new or well-loved, it will be a treasure for (baby’s name) to enjoy for years to come.

Categories: Stamps