Asking “where to buy stamps near me?” must be a very baffling question, especially now when everything can be sent digitally. We got you, here are 14 of the best places where to buy stamps.
Knowing where to buy stamps near me is important information that everyone should have. There are documents you cannot send things digitally, like original documents.
You are watching: Where to Buy Stamps Near Me? Here Are The 14 Best Places
The vintage way of sending out our mail may never go out of fashion. It’s still as important now as when our parents and grandparents relied on this system.
There are interesting reasons why I want to know where to buy stamps near me. Aside from important documents, certain letters just have to be sent through the post. Secondly, no place is too far for a postman, whereas network services are still unreliable in many places. Lastly, stamps are fun to collect and many still do, which also makes it a great item to flip for profit.
Where to Buy Stamps Near Me – Physical Stores
The advantage of having access to a physical store is that you’ll have more options than swiping left and right online. How many times have you received items that are different from the stuff you ordered? Or maybe it’s the right item but it did not arrive intact, or in time.
Picking up the item yourself from the store assures that you got exactly what you needed.
Physical stores have staff present to assist you, especially if you’re not familiar with certain things like what kind of stamps to use on the item you wish to send through postal mail.
1. US Post Office
Locating the nearest post office where you live, is the logical first step in getting stamps. Nowadays, it’s easier to find a store that sells stamps at locations where people often visit, like supermarkets. Though a trip to the post office can be a little out of the way, it always pays to know where these offices are.
2. United States Postal Service (USPS)
USPS or United States Postal Service has branches all over the United States and internationally. It is the first place people look for because USPS is more affordable than others offering postal services. It’s easy enough to find the nearest office by using their online tool.

3. Walmart
Stamps are available at Walmart; just find the customer service desk or look for the MoneyCenter Walmart has at least 5,000 branches in America, and there is bound to be one near where you live.
4. CVS Pharmacy
Though not all pharmacies have available stamps, CVS is one of the stores that sell them. It has almost 10,000 locations nationwide; it’s possible to have at least one of them near you. With this many locations scattered all across the US, I won’t have to wonder at all where to buy stamps near me.
5. Walgreens
Walgreens is another pharmacy store chain that is sure to sell available stamps. By 2020, Walgreens has 9,021 branches across the US. Stores like this usually sell stamps in bulk, but Walgreens is one of those stores that sells it in retail; you can buy a specific number of stamps – or just one if that’s all you needed.
6. Office Depot
Office Depot is an alternative for Walmart, it assures that there are stamps available in all of its 1,149 locations all over the US. It makes perfect sense that stamps are available in a store that sells envelopes and everything else you’ll need to write a letter or put together a package.
7. 7-Eleven Stores
7-Eleven is a convenience store chain that tries its best to live up to the supposed convenience these stores promise to offer. The idea is similar to Office Depot; since they have school and office supplies available, why not include stamps? It is a good idea, but it would have been better if it’s available in every 7-Eleven branch location.
8. Gas Stations
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You may have better luck finding stamps in gas stations outside cities than within. People would normally go to the nearest supermarket, mall, or major grocery stores to look for stamps. But an important tip to remember is that stamps and even postal service are both available in gas stations. Now sending postcards and other souvenirs won’t be a problem during a road trip.

Online Stores That Sell Stamps
Knowing where to buy stamps near me is convenient in many ways, just as buying them online where unique options can be made available. There are many trustworthy sites where people can buy all the stamps they need for postage.
For collectors, the web gives them an extraordinary reach and resources towards the next big find in their life. After listing all those locations where you can buy from, s for people living in the middle of nowhere asking “where to buy stamps near me”, I say, do it digitally.
There are a number of reliable online stores where you can buy stamps; the only real drawback of purchasing items from the web is the waiting period. If you have no problem with waiting a few days to receive your stamps, you’re better off ordering stamps online.
Did you know you can have postage stamps printed? This absolute level of convenience is the selling point of To print individual stamps and directly print postage on envelopes is a very profitable medium for e-commerce and other side hustleentrepreneurs. It keeps the cost of stamps low and consistent, it saves you the trouble of going out to buy them, and it allows you to be ahead of the shipping schedule.
2. USPS Postal Store
USPS Online Store has a good selection of stamps available including the very convenient Forever Stamps. And for those who don’t know, Forever Stamps are first-class, non-denominated stamps. It has no expiry and so far it has maintained its price to $0.55 since 2019 despite an almost 2% rate increase on postage.
These are physical items purchased online and brought to your doorstep after a few days.Their delivery service is well known for being professional. You can expect your package to be handled with the utmost care.
Walmart is a popular name and go-to place, so it is an excellent idea to display everything they have in their stores, on their online marketplace. I never had to worry about where to buy stamps near me, Walmart has it covered.
4. Office Depot Online Store
Just like Walmart, Office Depot’s online store is a reflection of what you can find in their physical locations. As for stamps, there may not be a lot of variations but Forever Stamps by USPS are surely available.
5. eBay
eBay is an ideal online place to look for collectible items, and stamps fit that category perfectly. Aside from the chance of finding rare stamps on the site, eBay also offers good deals on a lot of items – USPS’s Forever Stamps is one of them. The item is discounted in itself, might as well buy them from eBay if the site can give you a better price.
6. Amazon
Amazon is another reliable online shop where you can buy postage stamps. The site offers items at a slightly lower price and occasional discounted deals, and yes, Forever Stamps are also available on Amazon.

Where To Buy A Single Stamp
Commonly used stamps are often sold in bulk, but it isn’t impossible to find stores that sell retail according to how many you need.
It also pays to ask shopkeepers if they have loose stamps to sell. It may not be on display, but you might be able to buy some as long as you inquire. Oftentimes, it simply depends on the store.
The best places to check if you only need to buy one stamp for standard postage:
- Post office
- Walgreens
- Stores that sell office and school supplies
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Stamp collection is another reason why people buy stamps per piece. Considering the large amounts of money involved in this hobby, collectors are always cautious when attempting any type of trade. So, where should you look to buy collectible stamps?
Philatelic Shops may be rare but not obsolete. Newbie collectors and experienced philatelists rely on these shops on matters other than just buying and selling stamps; it is also a place where people can ask for help to sell items.
Auctions can’t be for the faint of heart. The price of each item can go up at a very drastic rate. Depending on how rare the item is, experienced collectors think it will be a worthwhile purchase since they may never have the chance to buy that same stamp in the future.
Direct Trading with other collectors is common practice, but beginners should get more experience before attempting this form of trading by themselves. Regardless of how big or small the trade value, it is advisable to have an impartial third party present as mediator and witness.
Frequently Asked Questions – Where To Buy Stamps
Here are the most frequently asked questions answered.
How Many Stamps Are There In A Book?
Stamp books are sold with different numbers of pages, and how many stamps a book can hold also depends on their sizes. For reference, one of the United States Postal Service’s popular items is a booklet that contains 20 pieces of Forever Stamps.
How Much Is A Book Of Stamps?
The value of a stamp book, of course, depends on what kind of stamps it holds for books that contain stamps for regular postage use. USPS’s booklet of 20 stamps can be bought for $11.00, where each Forever Stamp costs $0.55 apiece.
Does UPS Sell Stamps?
According to United Parcel Service or UPS, they provide the same products as the United States Postal Service, which includes stamps. Still, from customer feedback experience, many of their outlets would insist on selling customer metered mail, which costs around $0.59 to $0.80 per piece.
Does Publix Sell Stamps?
Yes, Publix sells stamps, but its service is only available to certain states of the US; Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. The supermarket chain has 1,270 locations which are situated all over the Southeastern part of the United States.
Does Dollar General Sell Stamps?
Surprisingly, no. Dollar General still does not sell stamps as of 2021. While there was word going around about a collaboration with USPS to sell postage stamps, there’s still no update as of this year.
Does Walmart Sell Stamps?
Yes, Walmart definitely has stamps available. You can choose to buy online or go straight to the nearest Walmart branch. Walmart continues to live up to its reputation as a favorite go-to place for everything by making even the simplest items available online. Walmart sells stamps at the same price as US post offices.
Does Office Depot Sell Stamps?
Stamps are available at Office Depot. It may not have as much variety as other shops; stamps are available in both physical and online stores at almost the same price as USPS and Walmart.

Conclusion – Where To Buy Stamps Near Me
While the post office is still the first thing that comes to mind, post stamps can be bought at different places. From the supermarket to websites online, you can get stamps everywhere nowadays.
If you’re all about getting stamps quick and easy, get them while you’re doing groceries. If you’re okay with waiting a bit longer, you can get stamps online.
When you’re not using stamps a ton, consider buying Forever stamps and you’ll be good for the next couple of years. By taking advantage of great offers through buying in bulk, you don’t have to waste a second wondering “where to buy stamps near me”.
Categories: Stamps