Jan. 5, Red Fox. Two 40¢ definitive stamps (one design), pane of 20, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; BCA; Fox, AR 72051; Linn’s Dec. 26, 2022, page 1; USPS item No. 122104 (pane), 122116 (pane FDC at $1.19); 751204 (coil of 3,000), 761304 (coil of 10,000), 761315 (strip of 500), 751216 (coil FDC at $1.19); Scott 5742 (pane), 5743 (coil).
Jan. 5, School Bus. Two (24¢) additional-ounce definitive stamps (single design), pane of 20 and coil of 100; BCA; High Point, NC 27260; Linn’s Jan. 2, page 1; USPS item No. 122404 (pane), 122416 (pane FDC at $1.39); 740504 (coil), 740516 (coil FDC at $1.39); Scott 5740 (pane), 5741 (coil).
You are watching: 2023 U.S. Stamp Program
Jan. 12, Year of the Rabbit. One (60¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; Lunar New Year series; BCA; San Francisco, CA 94188; Linn’s Jan. 9, page 14; USPS item No. 482804 (pane), 482816 (FDC at $1.13), 482821 (color postmark FDC at $1.98), 482806 (press sheet with die cuts at $50.40 [63¢ rate]), 482808 (press sheet without die cuts at $50.40 [63¢ rate]); Scott 5744.
Jan. 19, Love. Two (60¢) forever special stamps, pane of 20; kitten (Scott 5745), puppy (5746); BCA; Austin, TX 78710; Linn’s Jan. 9, page 1; USPS item No. 580804 (pane), 580816 (two FDCs at $2.30), 580821 (two color postmark FDCs at $4), 580806 (press sheet with die cuts at $100.80 [63¢ rate]), 580808 (press sheet without die cuts at $100.80 [63¢ rate]).
Jan. 22, Sailboats. Four (48¢) postcard-rate definitive stamps (two designs), pane of 20 and coil of 100; single sailboat, two sailboats; AP; Lahaina, HI 96761; Linn’s Jan. 9, page 16; USPS item No. 122504 (pane), 122516 (set of two pane FDCs at $3.02); 740604 (coil of 100), 740616 (set of two coil FDCs at $3.02); Scott 5747 (pane two boats), 5748 (pane one boat), 5749 (coil one boat), 5750 (coil two boats).
Jan. 22, Florida Everglades. One $9.65 Priority Mail definitive stamp, pane of four; American Landmarks series; BCA; Homestead, FL 33030; Linn’s Jan. 23, page 1; USPS item No. 122304 (pane), 122316 (FDC at $10.20), 122321 (color postmark FDC at $11.05); Scott 5751.
Jan. 22, Great Smoky Mountains. One $28.75 Priority Mail Express definitive stamp, pane of four; American Landmarks series; BCA; Gatlinburg, TN 37738; Linn’s Jan. 23, page 1; USPS item No. 129204 (pane), 129216 (FDC at $29.30), 129221 (color postmark FDC at $30.15); Scott 5752.
Jan. 23, Ernest J. Gaines. One (63¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; Black Heritage series; BCA; Lafayette, LA 70501; Linn’s Jan. 30, page 1; USPS item No. 482904 (pane); 482916 (FDC at $1.18), 482921 (color postmark FDC at $2.03), 482906 (press sheet with die cuts at $113.40), 482908 (press sheet without die cuts at $113.40); Scott 5753.
Feb. 16, Women’s Soccer. Single (63¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Orlando, FL 32862; Linn’s Feb. 13, page 1; USPS item No. 483004 (pane), 483016 (FDC at $1.18), 483021 (color postmark FDC at $2.03); 483006 (press sheet with die cuts at $75.60), 483008 (press sheet without die cuts at $75.60); Scott 5754.
Feb. 24, Floral Geometry. Single $10 stamp, pane of four; BCA; San Diego, CA 92199; Linn’s Feb. 28, page 12; USPS item No. 122604 (pane), 122616 (FDC at $10.55), 122621 (color postmark FDC at $11.40); Scott 5755.
March 1, Patriotic Block. One (5¢) nonprofit definitive coil stamp, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; BCA; Liberty, NY 12754; Linn’s March 6, page 18; USPS item No. 751404 (coil of 3,000), 751403 (strip of 25 with plate number); 761604 (coil of 10,000), 761603 (strip of 25 with plate number); 751416 (FDC at $1.23); Scott 5756.
March 7, Toni Morrison. Single (63¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Princeton, NJ 08540;Linn’s March 6, page 12; USPS item No. 483104 (pane); 483116 (FDC at $1.18), 483121 (color postmark FDC at $2.03), 483106 (press sheet with die cuts at $75.60), 483108 (press sheet without die cuts at $75.60); Scott 5757.
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March 9, Railroad Stations. Five (63¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20; Point of Rocks Station in Maryland (Scott 5758); Main Street Station in Richmond, Va. (Scott 5759); Santa Fe Station in San Bernardino, Calif. (Scott 5760); Tamaqua Station in Pennsylvania (Scott 5761); and Union Station in Cincinnati, Ohio (Scott 5762); BCA; Cincinnati, OH 45234; Linn’s March 13, page 1; USPS item No. 483904 (pane), 483916 (set of five FDCs at $5.90), 483921 (set of five color postmark FDCs at $10.15), 483906 (press sheet with die cuts at $50.40), 483908 (press sheet without die cuts at $50.40).
March 24, Art of the Skateboard. Four (63¢) forever commemorative stamps: salmon design (Scott 5763), abstract design (5764), Navajo design (5765), jaguar design (5766), pane of 20; BCA; Phoenix, AZ 85026; Linn’s March 27, page 1; USPS item No. 483404 (pane), 483416 (set of four FDCs at $4.72), 483421 (color postmark set of four FDCs at $8.12), 483406 (press sheet with die cuts at $75.60), 483408 (press sheet without die cuts at $75.60).
April 5, Tulip Blossoms. Ten (63¢) forever definitive stamps; double-sided pane of 20, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; BCA; Woodburn, OR 97071; Linn’s April 3, page 12; USPS item No. 684204 (pane), 684216 (pane set of 10 FDCs at $11.80), 684221 (color postmark pane set of 10 FDCs at $20.30); 751504 (coil of 3,000), 751503 (strip of 25 from coil of 3,000), 7515 15 (strip of 500 from coil of 3,000); 761704 (coil of 10,000); 761703 (strip of 25 from coil of 10,000), 761715 (strip of 500 from coil of 10,000), 751516 (coil set of 10 FDCs at $11.80); Scott 5767-5776 (coil), 5777-5786 (pane).
April 10, Freedom U.S. Flag. Five (63¢) forever definitive stamps (one design), pane of 20 (BCA), double-sided pane of 20 (BCA, AP), coils of 100 (BCA, AP), 3,000 and 10,000 (BCA); Freedom, ME 04941; Linn’s April 10, page 1; USPS item No. 122704 (pane), 684302 (BCA double-sided pane); 684304 (AP double-sided pane), 740702 (BCA coil of 100), 740704 (AP coil of 100); 751304 (coil of 3,000); 751303 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 3,000), 751315 (strip of 500 from coil of 3,000); 761404 (coil of 10,000), 761403 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 10,000), 761415 (strip of 500 from coil of 10,000); 122716 (pane FDC at $1.18), 122721 (color postmark pane FDC at $2.03); 684316 (double-sided pane FDC at $1.18), 684321 (color postmark double-sided pane FDC at $2.03); 751316 (coil FDC at $1.18); Scott 5787 (pane), 5789 (coil of 3,000 and 10,000 stamp), 5788 (AP coil of 100 stamp), 5789A (BCA coil of 100 stamp), 5790 (AP double-sided pane stamp), 5791 (BCA double-sided pane stamp).
April 24, Roy Lichtenstein. Five (63¢) forever commemorative stamps:Standing Explosion (Red), 1965 (Scott 5792); Modern Painting I, 1966 (5793); Still Life with Crystal Bowl, 1972 (5794); Still Life with Goldfish, 1972 (5795); and Portrait of a Woman, 1979 (5796); pane of 20; BCA; Linn’s April 17, page 10; New York, NY 10199; USPS item No. 483504 (pane), 483516 (set of five FDCs at $5.90), 483521 (set of five color postmark FDCs at $10.15), 483506 (press sheet with die cuts at $50.40), 483508 (press sheet without die cuts at $50.40).
May 5, Tomie dePaola. One (63¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Manchester, NH 03103; Linn’s May 1, page 10; USPS item No. 483604 (pane), 483616 (FDC at $1.18), 483621 (color postmark FDC at $2.03), 483606 (press sheet with die cuts at $113.40), 483608 (press sheet without die cuts at $113.40); Scott 5797.
May 12, Chief Standing Bear. Single (63¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Lincoln, NE 68501; Linn’s May 8, page 1; USPS item No. 483704 (pane), 483716 (FDC at $1.18), 483721 (color postmark FDC at $2.03), 483706 (press sheet with die cuts at $113.40), 483708 (press sheet without die cuts at $113.40); Scott 5798.
May 19, Endangered Species. Twenty (63¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20 (Scott 5799); Laysan teal (a), black-footed ferret (b), Roanoke logperch (c), thick-billed parrot (d), candy darter (e), Florida panther (f), masked bobwhite quail (g), Key Largo cotton mouse (h), Lower Keys marsh rabbit (i), Wyoming toad (j), Vancouver Island marmot (k), golden-cheeked warbler (l), Guam Micronesian kingfisher (m), San Francisco garter snake (n), Mexican gray wolf (o), Attwater’s prairie chicken (p), Nashville crayfish (q), piping plover (r), desert bighorn sheep (s) and Mississippi sandhill crane (t); BCA; Wall, SD 57790; Linn’s May 22, page 1; USPS item No. 483804 (pane), 483816 (set of 20 FDCs at $23.60), 483821 (color postmark set of 20 FDCs at $40.60), 483806 (press sheet with die cuts at $50.40), 483808 (press sheet without die cuts at $50.40).
June 13, Waterfalls. Twelve (63¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 12 (Scott 5800); Deer Creek Falls, Arizona (a); Nevada Fall, California (b); Harrison Wright Falls, Pennsylvania (c); Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming (d); Waimoku Falls, Hawaii (e); Stewart Falls, Utah (f); Niagara Falls, New York (g); Dark Hollow Falls, Virginia (h); Grotto Falls, Tennessee (i); Sunbeam Falls, Washington (j); LaSalle Canyon Waterfall, Illinois (k); and Upper Falls, North Carolina (l); AP; Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190; Linn’s June 12, page 1; USPS item No. 580904 (pane), 580916 (set of 12 FDCs at $14.16), 580921 (set of 12 color postmark FDCs at $24.36), 580906 (press sheet with die cuts at $68.04), 580908 (press sheet without die cuts at $68.04).
June 23, Tundra Swans. $25 federal migratory waterfowl hunting and conservation stamp issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, pane of one and pane of 20; AP; Memphis, TN 38105; Linn’s June 19, page 14; USPS item No. 336904 (pane of 1), 337004 (pane of 20); Scott RW90 (single from pane of 20), RW90A (pane of one).
July 9, Northern Cardinal. One (66¢) definitive stamped envelope in 10 formats; AP; Bird City, KS 67731; Linn’s July 3, page 14; single envelopes only available as a custom order with a fee; packs of five are $4.25 each as standard orders; USPS item Nos. (moisture-activated adhesive flap) 293505 (No. 10), 293605 (No. 10 window), 293705 (No. 9), 281705 (No. 6¾); (self-adhesive flap) 292505 (No. 10), 292605 (No. 10 window), 293305 (No. 9), 293405 (No. 9 window), 281505 (No. 6¾), 281605 (No. 6¾ window); 293516 (FDC set of four with moisture-activated flap at $4.04), 292516 (FDC set of six with self-adhesive flap at $6.06); Scott U702.
July 21, John Lewis. One (66¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 15; AP; Atlanta, GA 30304; Linn’s July 17, page 12; USPS item No. 483204 (pane), 483216 (FDC at $1.21), 483221 (color postmark FDC at $2.06); Scott 5801.
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Aug. 10, Life Magnified. Twenty (66¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20 (Scott 5802); red blood cells (a), Macaw parrot feather (b), human hair (c), moss leaves (d), arranged diatoms (e), freshwater protozoans (f), acorn barnacle (g), moth antenna (h), diving beetle front foot (i), mouse brain neurons (j), starling bone tissue (k), moth wing scales (l), zebrafish (m), mushroom gills (n), freshwater snail tongue (o), blue button organism (p), mold spores (q), barnacle legs (r), flame lily pollen (s), and oak leaf surface (t); BCA; Cleveland, OH 44101; Linn’s Aug. 7, page 8; USPS item No. 484004 (pane), 484016 (set of 20 FDCs at $24.20), 484021 (color postmark set of 20 FDCs at $41.20), 484006 (press sheet with die cuts at $79.20), 484008 (press sheet without die cuts at $79.20).
Aug. 11, Thinking of You. Five (66¢) forever commemorative stamps, pane of 20: dog (Scott 5803), sun (5804), flower bouquet (5805), cat (5806), balloons (5807); BCA; Cleveland, OH 44101; Linn’s Aug. 14, page 1; USPS item No. 484104 (pane), 484116 (set of five FDCs at $6.05), 484121 (color postmark set of five FDCs at $10.30), 484106 (press sheet with die cuts at $52.80), 484108 (press sheet without die cuts at $52.80).
Aug. 24, Bridges. Four (25¢) presorted first-class definitive stamps, coils of 3,000 and 10,000; Arrigoni Bridge, Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge, Skydance Bridge, Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge; AP; Portland, CT 06480; Linn’s Aug. 21, page 10; USPS item No. 751604 (coil of 3,000), 751603 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 3,000), 751616 (set of four FDCs at $5.84), 761804 (coil of 10,000), 761803 (strip of 25 with plate number from coil of 10,000).
Sept. 8, Pinatas. Four (66¢) forever definitive stamps, double-sided pane of 20; AP; Roswell, NM 88203; Linn’s Sept. 4, page 8; USPS item No. 684404 (pane), 684416 (set of four FDCs at $4.84), 684421 (set of four color postmark FDCs at $8.24).
Sept. 19, Snow Globes. Four (66¢) forever special stamps, double-sided pane of 20; snowman, Santa, deer, tree; AP; Breckenridge, CO 80424; Linn’s Sept. 11, page 1; USPS item No. 684504 (pane), 684516 (set of four FDCs at $4.84), 684521 (set of four color postmark FDCs at $8.24).
*Sept. 22, OSIRIS-REx: Return to Earth. Single (66¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; AP; Salt Lake City, UT 84199; Linn’s Sept. 25, page 1; USPS item No. 484204 (pane), 484216 (FDC at $1.21), 484221 (color postmark FDC at $2.06), 484206 (press sheet with die cuts at $118.80), 484208 (press sheet without die cuts at $118.80).
*Oct. 2, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Single (66¢) forever commemorative stamp, pane of 20; BCA; Washington, DC 20066; Linn’s Oct. 2, page 8; USPS item No. 483304 (pane), 483316 (FDC at $1.21), 483321 (color postmark FDC at $2.06), 483306 (press sheet with die cuts at $118.80), 483308 (press sheet without die cuts at $118.80).
*Oct. 10, Winter Woodland Animals. Four (66¢) forever special stamps, double-sided pane of 20; deer, rabbit, owl and fox; BCA; Woodland, MI 48897; USPS item No. 684604 (pane), 684616 (set of four FDCs at $4.84), 684621 (set of four digital color FDCs at $8.24).
*Asterisks precede entries with new or changed information. New/changed information is presented in bold italics.
Stamp printing contractors are identified in the listings using the following abbreviations: AP (Ashton Potter USA Ltd.), and BCA (Banknote Corporation of America).
Details of each issue listed in this program are given in the cited issues of Linn’s. Stamps are self-adhesive unless otherwise noted.
Source: https://antiquewolrd.com
Categories: Stamps