Even More Info
Printed Postcards are a perfect tool for communicating both for business or personal use and we are the right people to help you do it. Aside from being just the right size for a short message, they are also more easy to transport compared to a larger leaflet and one of the cheapest things you can post to someone in the mail.
Aside from being a cheap way of mailing customers or friends, printed postcards can also act as an extended business card and prove especially effective for photographers or designers who want to show high resolution images of their work which wouldn’t otherwise have the same impact on a smaller sized card.
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Ready to get designing? Then browse through our designs or upload your own artwork and remember our postcards can be printed for you on either a sturdy silk board or classy eco-friendly recycled board.
Resell your printed postcards
If you are an artist then you might want to provide a way of getting your artwork into more hands that can’t afford original artwork. Postcards are a perfect way of doing this because they provide your customers with an option of displaying your artwork in a small frame or even by itself. Not to mention that you can also make a sizeable amount of profit per a postcard in the process.
Use them as event swag
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The people who turn up to your event probably like it enough to appreciate having something to take away from it, so why not create attractive, branded postcards to help them keep you in mind? If it’s attractive enough to hold onto then so is the thought of your business when they are ready to buy from you.
Sending a note of thanks
One thing people don’t do so much of these days is hand write notes to people. If you want to follow up with a client, a contact from a business event, or just send a note of thanks to a customer, then it would make so much more of an impact to them to have a handwritten note on the back of a postcard instead of a mere templated message or an email.
Such a simple thing doesn’t cost more than a moment of your time to design online and then a little pen ink, so if you work with high value customers or clients then it would be silly not to make a little bit of extra effort to get what could potentially be massive gains.
Selecting the right card for your postcards
Your postcards can be printed for you on either a sturdy silk board or classy eco-friendly recycled board. Here are some things to consider:
Silk board: This is most suitable for high resolution graphics like photos or for general everyday printing. If you’re a photographer then this is probably your best choice.
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Recycled board: For a more craft feel with less colour and detail heavy designs then recycled board is excellent for creating for extending the impact of your visual design, whether you want it to be either quality, vintage, craft or just a damn good postcard.
Single or Double?
For business, double sided printing can double the impact of your marketing message because it will always be eye catching enough to get the attention of the person reading it.
If you want to write a personal message on the other side then you might obviously want to leave it blank so that you can write on it, although it can also be handy to print a guide on the reverse so you have a space for your message, address and stamp without having to put too much thought into what is being written where.
What you want to do with your postcard will vary so there will be no one single right or wrong way of doing things, but there is certainly a case for always putting something on both side of your postcards.
Ready to get designing? Then browse through our designs or upload your own artwork.
Source: https://antiquewolrd.com
Categories: Stamps