Georgia Postcard Project 2022 – Here We Go Again!
Postcards for the Georgia Postcard Project have been stocked in over 50 locations across Georgia for volunteers to pick up. You MUST fill out the form to get the pick up address of the bin near you. Once you fill out the sign up, an email will be sent to you with the address and number of packets you sign up to take. The email will also include the directions and link to the sample message! Please pick up postcards between 8am – 8pm.
This year, you will WRITE and STAMP the postcard and then RETURN the postcards to the box you picked them up from. Your amazing bin host or our team will be addressing and sending postcards in line with the Democratic Party of Georgia’s campaign plans.
Read more : Guide on How to Buy Stamps in StampWorld
Please return the postcards ASAP so we can prepare them to send!
We will send postcards until they are ALL done and that could go into October. Returning them earlier is best, but don’t stop writing and telling your friends about this great Project!
For this Project – you MUST use the postcard we provide. This postcard has been designed for voter education and voter protection and the addresses will be selected for the voters who need these postcards.
We do NOT sell postcards – the only source is from our fabulous and kind bin hosts. We DO raise money so we can cover the costs of the postcards so please donate here This is a great link to share with family and friends so they can donate to support YOUR work!
For the security of our bin hosts, please DO NOT share their address with anyone and DO NOT post it on social media.
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A new form must be filled out for EACH postcard volunteer writer. You may pick up postcards for a friend, but please have them sign up on their own. This way we can make sure all the postcards have been returned for addressing.
We will follow up with all of the writers and can keep a better handle on how many cards are left at each location this way so your help is appreciated.
WE DO NOT SEND ADDRESSES. If you have postcards that do NOT look like these, you will have to find another organization to supply addresses for your postcards. There is NO link to print your own postcards for this Project. These postcards are union printed and paid for by the Democratic Party of Georgia.
We do NOT send postcards on an individual basis. PLEASE be kind – We know everyone has been excited to begin and we are trying our best to have as many people participate as possible. Please remember that this initiative is entirely volunteer-run, so please be kind to our admins & moderators.
You can join the Facebook group here We have all worked hard to get to this point and we can do BIG things when we work TOGETHER!! We all know how much is at stake and we need to do everything we can to elect ALL Democrats in every election.
– Team GPP (Tricia, Matt, Tanya, Ian, Janet, Halley)
Categories: Stamps