This page provides information for potential stallholders looking to sell their hand-made items at our Woburn craft fairs. This is a pure craft fair and we will not accept booking requests from franchises, MLM’s etc. All of our available stalls for 2023 have now been taken since bookings opened in late November 2022 and we already have an extensive waiting list in case of cancellations. You may also wish to join our mailing list (see below) to find out when bookings for next year will open.Stallholders, once booked, will be allocated a 6ft table at the relevant craft fair. You can ask to bring your own table (max size 6ft x 2ft) rather than use one of ours. We will supply 2 chairs for each stall. Set up is from 8.30am and our opening hours are 10am to 4pm. There is free parking at the hall. Light refreshments will be available to buy from the cafe, but they will supply stallholders with free tea/coffee all day – please bring your own travel mug (with lid) to use this service.
The hall has free wifi (password available from the organisers). Please use this sensibly as it is a shared resource across all stall holders.
You are watching: Stallholder Info
Read more : James Gooch, Antiques Dealer and Owner of Doe & Hope
On arrival (8.30am onwards), please find your designated stall space which will have been labelled by the organisers. Please be ready for opening at 10am and you may not pack up and leave before the closing time of 4pm. This is to ensure all our visitors can see the full range of stalls throughout the day. To assist the organisers, we ask you to collapse your supplied table at the end of the day before leaving.
Our terms and conditions can be seen here. By completing the application form you agree to follow these.
Stalls will cost £30 per fair (table provided) or £27 (if you bring your own table, maximum size is 6ft by 2ft). Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and a place is only secured following confirmation by the organisers after receipt of a booking form and payment of deposit(s) for the month(s) concerned. To maintain interest for our visitors, and in fairness to other stallholders, we aim to provide a variety of crafts at each fair, with no one type of craft dominating.
We are also offering a very limited number of outdoor pitches and you will need to supply your own tables etc. If you are using a gazebo, please note that you will not be able to peg down the gazebo – you will need to use weights to hold down the gazebo. The cost of an outside pitch is £20 per pitch.
We offer a free space per month in the hall foyer to animal charities to help them raise funds. To apply for a space, please contact the organiser.
Mailing List:
As a potential stallholder, you are welcome to subscribe to our mailing list. When you sign up, please make sure you have typed your email address correctly and remember to click the link in the confirmation email to activate your subscription.We only send out very occasional postings regarding our craft fairs and do not supply your details to anyone else. The principal use of the mailing list is to announce when bookings open for the next year’s fairs.
Categories: Antique News