Hey Real Estate Agents and Investors!
Want to market directly to homeowners with houses that just won’t sell?
You are watching: 6 Genius Expired Listing Postcards for Realtors
Postcards WORK —
According to over 3,862 of our real estate clients…
So here are 6 expired listing postcards for you to use for your next campaign!
1. Snatch prospects’ attention with this brightly-colored realtor postcard
This is obviously:
Prospects today are bombarded with marketing communications… aren’t you?
So how do you get YOUR real estate marketing to:
- Reach the RIGHT people
- At the RIGHT time
- So they contact YOU for help?
You buy a quality mailing list that targets your prospects head-on…
And you mail a gorgeous expired listing postcard like this one:
You can get a FREE list count and see how many prospects are in YOUR area.
2. Give an irresistible FREE offer and attract 219 leads
I think you’d be surprised at what special offers can do!
In fact:
One of my real estate clients mailed 6,000 postcards and generated 219 interested leads!
Mail a gorgeous real estate postcard like this one:
Read more : Book of Stamps vs Roll of Stamps: Which is The Cheapest Way to Buy?
Need ideas for special offers?
Here’s 128!
FREE report: 128 special offers already PROVEN to work
3. Mail this gorgeous postcard and generate a 1,484% return on investment
When your prospects receive an expired listing postcard like this one, they’ll definitely spot the bright colors from the mail stack!
We have real estate clients who’ve used realtor postcards to grow their business (and bottom line!).
Here’s just one example:
When one client of ours mailed postcards for their real estate marketing campaign, they generated a 1,484% return on investment!
See their mailing list strategy AND actual postcard used here.
4. Receive a 14,194% ROI from your real estate direct mail campaign
Just plug your own photo into this expired listing postcard template:
Results from targeted realtor direct mail campaigns can be staggering!
Take this real-life example:
These CA real estate brokers closed 5 deals after just 2 months of mailing postcards…
And they averaged $260,000 in revenue EACH!
Not bad, right?!
See their postcard design and mailing list strategy here!
5. Offer a FREE appraisal to generate leads
You can just use this postcard for your next expired listing campaign!
You can add the following to your real estate direct mail campaign to EXPONENTIALLY increase your business’s exposure:
- Google ads viewed thousands (and millions of times) on popular internet websites
- Facebook ads popping up in your prospects’ newsfeeds
- And Instagram ads promoting your business on mobile
And all this is NOT crazy expensive…
It’s called Everywhere Small Business — watch the 1-minute video here to see how it works.
6. Generate $10,000 in NEW business with this postcard
LOVE the bright, eye-catching colors on this realtor postcard:
Point blank:
Postcards WORK for real estate marketing!
In fact:
When one of our clients mails realtor postcards, they receive 50-70 responses, which generates about $10,000 EACH time they mail!
You can see their postcard AND mailing list strategy here.
So that’s it!
6 beautiful expired listing postcard designs you can use right now to start your realtor direct mail campaign to grow your business!
If you want to promote your business literally EVERYWHERE prospects today spend their time, you can add the VERY affordable Everywhere Small Business.
If you have ANY questions about marketing your business, call one of my marketing experts at (800) 628-1804 —
Their advice and help is 100% FREE for you to use!
Source: https://antiquewolrd.com
Categories: Stamps