Image above: Chiswick Antiques & Vintage Market; photograph Barbara Chandler
Chiswick Antiques & Vintage Market
Chiswick Antiques & Vintage Market takes place on the second Sunday of every month on Chiswick High Rd. Opened in May 2021, it’s run by Jennifer Titmuss, who also has a long established antiques market in St Albans and has brought many of the dealers with her to Chiswick.
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The market occupies the same space as the Chiswick Flower Market and the Cheese Market, Old Market Place, outside George IV and spreads out along the south side of Chiswick High Road eastwards towards Hammersmith, with over 40 Antique and Vintage traders selling and eclectic mix of decorative antiques from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.
“We’ve got a real mix,” Jenny told Lucinda MacPherson.
“We can have up to 60 traders and I select stalls offering a huge range of vintage clothes, jewellery, paintings, embroidered postcards and painted furniture.
“I think the people of Chiswick are looking for the unusual and all our stall holders have a bit of flair with what they sell. They have a good eye, and an understanding of what people want.”
Lucinda MacPherson meets some of the stall holders
Anona Foley, (pictured above left), owner of Peggy & Wilf Vintage might look a 50s kinda gal, but her stall currently stocks items spanning 200 years including a Georgian pewter meat plate and a 1960s tea set. She always has a range of baskets, small pieces of furniture, ceramics and decorative items.
“I have had a lifetime love of antiques which started when I was small, setting up stall with my antique dealer father at various fairs around the country. I would buy small trinkets and sell them on his stall for some pocket money.
“I love selling at our regular fairs and am really looking forward to coming to lovely Chiswick. It’s exactly the sort of area that will appreciate the great variety of stalls that this sort of fair can offer, there really is something for everyone.”
Dawn & Steve Diggines run Retrovation, based just outside St Albans, and their stall offers a selection of decorative antiques and salvage pieces. Steve, pictured above, says:
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“We have many customers who are based in the area who are always on the hunt for unique antique pieces to incorporate into their interiors.
“We find that mixing the old with new can add real character and soul to a home”.
Expect to find unique mirrors, furniture, gilt frames, aged garden pieces and decorative homewares on Retrovation’s stall. And don’t worry if you fall in love with their apothecary wall cabinet or Singer legged marble topped table, they offer free local delivery on any of their larger pieces.
Sabra Swinson trained as a buyer at Harrods during which time she lived off the High Road in Chiswick near her sister and aunt. Now she splits her time between the South of France and UK finding vintage treasures.
Her stall, The French Home Company, stocks ceramics, glassware, furniture, decorative accessories, kitchenalia, garden pieces, architectural salvage as well as her own brand of French textiles.
“The wonderful thing about markets like this is that you can buy lovely antique and vintage pieces at great prices” she says.
Images above: Coloured glassware from @antiqueadventureslondon; photographs Frank Noon
Design writer for the London Evening Standard Barbara Chandler on the ‘Virtuosos of Vintage’
Design writer for Homes & Property at the London Evening Standard Barbara Chandler lives in Chiswick and went along to have a look at the first Antiques and Vintage Market in Chiswick High Rd. Her verdict:
‘The V word is big in retail at the moment – that’s V for Vintage. Even John Lewis is floating a new vintage department in Kingston, underpinned by the expertise of the successful on-line marketplace Vinteriors.
‘But the virtuosos of vintage – its life blood if you like – are not to be found closeted in a department store. They are the doughty dealers who have created and nurtured this trend from its inception, first championing the 50s and elevating it into mid-century modern – and indeed inventing that very name.
‘A stand-out stall had glass of all periods arranged by colour from aqua to ruby red and cobalt. Reflected in a myriad of individual round mirror mats were vases, bowls, decanters, bottles and ornaments flashing back the rays of an agreeably sunny day. Here Yvonne of @antiqueadventureslondon happily shared with punters the provenance of each piece, which she had earlier cleaned and polished to perfection’.
READ ALSO: First Pop-Up Antiques Market a success – Barbara Chandler
READ ALSO: Chiswick Antiques & Vintage Market in pictures
Images above: Chiswick Antiques & Vintage Market, May 2021; photographs Barbara Chandler, @sunnygran on Instagram
What else is there to do in Chiswick?
See also: Open air markets – see when the next one is taking place
See also: Top ten things to do in Chiswick
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