Are you looking for 2022 antique shows in your area? Are you wanting to spread the word about one? I have got you covered!
Did you follow along with me on Instagram when I went to Vintage Pickin last week? (I did a recap of that amazing experience here.). These past few days, after sharing all of the beautiful, mouth watering pieces that were for sale at this antique show, I have been (happily) bombarded with questions about the event.
You are watching: 2022 Antique Shows Across The US
I Was Shocked
I couldn’t get over how many people were unaware of Vintage Pickin, despite their many years of hosting this event and the huge amount of amazing advertising that they do. People (many of whom live very close to the event) were unaware that it was happening and were asking for all of the details. People were reaching out to me on Instagram desperate to know more about it and how to get there. That is a good problem right? That means that there are indeed people/shoppers who are still really excited to get out there and shop! But they can’t if they don’t know that the event is taking place!
I also got MANY comments explaining that there were “no shows” like this where they live. Sadly, many people sent me messages that they were so discouraged that there aren’t shopping experinces like this close by. But I got to thinking, maybe – just maybe – they are just unaware that there is a fabulous show within driving distance! One that would be a joy to attend. Maybe they just had no clue that it was happening.
I Know This First Hand
I know first hand that this happens because I do a little local show and I have been participating for about 6 years. (You can see my latest show here.) Despite all of my efforts to advertise on my social media outlets and despite all of the great local advertising that the coordinator does, there are so many people who, in their words, “had no idea this was happening.” How can we get the word out to more people?
A Realization: We Can Help
In the past few days I have come to realize that there are tons of potential shoppers who are completely unaware of many of the 2022 antique shows that are happening across the US. How sad is this!
This morning, as I sipped my cup of coffee, I wondered …. how can I help chip away at this issue?
In an effort to try and shed more light onto the antique shows that are happening across our country this year, I thought that maybe we could use this blog post as a ‘jumping off point.”
Let’s All Just Take A Moment To Drop A Comment
Let me remind you that NO two antique shows are alike. What you find at Marburger is NOT what you will find at the little local show that I do here in Moreland, Ga. With that said, the thrill of the hunt at almost any show feels the exact same no matter where you are at (at least it does for me). Knowing that, I would love to invite you to drop a comment below with the details of any 2022 antique show that you know of. Let’s help each other have more opportunities to feel that “pickin’ high!”
I would love to invite you to comment on THIS BLOG POST with any 2022 Antique Show/Market/Event that you know of. This way, all of the ‘entries’ will be all in one spot (in the comments below) for you to reference any time. You will be able to scroll through them and read them at any time because that list will live here on my website! I felt this was the easiest and fastest way for me to organize the info
Read more : 10 Best Flea Markets in the UK
Please comment below and include:
- Name Of 2022 Antique Show (no stores please – maybe we will do that on another post)
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Admission Cost if any
- A website (or facebook/IG) link if available
All that I ask is that you please do your due diligence to make sure that the show:
- does sell actual antiques (not just crafts and reproductions)
- is actually happening in this current year 2022.
Also ….
- Please, list only ONE show per comment.
- Feel free to comment with as many shows as you can think of.
- In an effort to keep things a little more organized, you may want to take a moment to scroll through some of the comments before you post yours to ensure that the show you had in mind hasn’t already been mentioned.
Remember … The Shopper Should Always Do The Homework
I just want to make this one request crystal clear …. please make sure you take a moment to confirm the details of any show that in mentioned in the comments below. Because this is an unofficial list of 2022 Antique Shows, I would encourage you to confirm the details of any of these pickin’ spots before you make arrangements to attend. This list is just intended to be a spot for shoppers or vendors to share their favorite places to the best of their knowledge.
Wrap Up
I certainly do not think that my little blog post is going to solve our problem 100%, but my hope is that you may learn of new 2022 antique shows that are happening around you. I also hope that you will add to to the list and share it with your vintage loving pals!
Finally, I hope will refer back to this blog post throughout the year to see what is happening in areas that are easy for you to get to! Maybe you are traveling this summer to a new spot around our country and you want to see if there are any fun events happening! If we are lucky then YOU will find a new event to shop and DEALERS will get a few extra customers! Also, if we work together, we can hopefully keep the love of antiques alive! Cheers my friends!
Categories: Antique News