At a glance, the upright sword-shaped leaves of sweet flag make it resemble cattails or irises. Like them, sweet flag also lives in wet soils. But the flower heads are distinctive, and details of the leaves set them apart, too.
Sweet flag is an upright, herbaceous perennial that grows from stout rhizomes. As the rhizome grows horizontally under the soil surface, new whorls of leaves arise in clusters.
You are watching: Sweet Flag (Calamus)
The leaves may be 4-8 feet long and ½-1 inch wide, are pinkish at the base, and somewhat resemble the leaves of cattails. Unlike cattails, however, sweet flag leaves have a prominent midrib, which is usually slightly off-center. Mature sweet flag leaves usually have one side that is somewhat wavy, or even crimped-looking like crisped bacon. Finally, sweet flag leaves, when crushed, have a strong, sweet odor that is rather spicy or citrusy.
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The flowers of sweet flag are tiny and crowded onto a greenish-yellow, fingerlike column called a spadix 1-4 inches long. The spadix is either upright or slightly inclined at an angle. At first, the spadix appears to be attached about midway up a leaf, but it is actually at the tip of a stalk that is triangular in cross-section, with a long, leaflike extension (spathe) that is also attached at the stalk tip. Blooms May-July. As the flower heads stop blooming, they turn dry and brown. The fruits are not fertile.
There has been confusion about whether A. calamus is native to North America or not, and botanists debate the taxonomy of this genus. So far, there seem to be two kinds of sweet flags in North America: one that is not native to North America but was introduced long ago and is now widespread, and another, which is native to our continent. Some botanists group these two varieties of a single species, while others consider them different species:
Categories: Stamps
This post was last modified on 15/10/2023 10:46 am
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